Last week a solar storm caused up to 40 of 49 satellites recently launched by Space X to fall out of orbit and burn up in the atmosphere. Solar storms can send us back to the 19th century. No satellites, no communication, no GPS. Our modern life will stop working. This is a real threat to life as we know it! Glenn Beck talks about it below. Sometimes I think Glenn is a little sensationalistic, but not this time.
One of the biggest threats to our modern way of life is an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack from another country or a solar flare from the Sun. EMPs could be created by a small nuclear explosion in space. The effect would be to render useless electronic devices within an area depending on the size of the burst. The punch line: no phone, no cars, no electricity… Robinson Crusoe as primitive as can be. Probably won’t be a lot of coconut cream pies Gilligan! The real question is, how long before cannibalism sets in?
EMPs are a realistic threat, but a more probable threat to send us back to the stone age is a solar storm. These happen all the time and is what caused 40 satellites to fall out of orbit LAST WEEK!
The most impactful solar event in recorded history was the Carrington Event which happened in 1859 and caused telegraph systems to fail all over the planet. Electronic technology was in it’s infancy then. Imagine the impact today? Like the title of the article says, “Better stock up on survival food and amunition.”
Photo by form PxHere